Ever since I started writing, I've wondered whether each new year will be the one that lands me that fantastic publishing contract. Whilst I don't pretend to be the best writer, I do want to feel the satisfaction that my readers enjoy what I write and want to read more.
It's tough being an author. You either choose to go the self publishing route and put all the hard work into writing and marketing your books, or you write to be published.
My aim was never to stress about it. If I was found by a publisher who wanted to pay me lots to write then that would be amazing, however my aim in writing is for enjoyment. I would like to think that people who read my work just like what I write.
So to answer my heading question?
I am really hoping to complete two books this year. It's a challenge that I have set myself. I wanted to do this last year too, though life got in the way-and procrastination so this year my goal and new year's resolution is to just write - every day until I finish!
You can help me through your encouragement.
Now I ask you - will this be the year for you?